is a early stage startup fresh out of Antler incubator. The founding team came to me and asked me to help them out defining the UX of the platform as well as the UI.
Based of the requirements and goal in mind did I come up with a solution to gain some excitement of the new tool, with a fresh breathing and user friendly solution.
UX/UI Designer
Me as a freelancer - stakeholders: founding team
Figma & survey monkey
Nov 2023 - Feb 2024
In my discovery phase did I focus on to interview the potential future users, primary project managers and startup founders.
I also tested the current product and my first iteration on the target group, added a survey to validate my findings.
The scope was very generic to give me a foundation to brainstorm, since the product was in a very early stage. is a hybrid between an AI tool and a project management tool, with that insight in mind I took these companies into my benchmarking process.
The tool should facilitate flexibility, and adapt to every organization's needs with ease and power from AI.
Facilitate and educate all the possibilities with, to open up the eyes of the user.
Enhance the interface with customisable colours and styles. Instead of finding a colour palette who serves all the industries, let the industries define the way and style.
Improve integration of chatbot and doc for better functionality and user experience.
Create a user request, share it with a co-worker, and collaborate within the program.
One of my key takeaways from this project has been how fun it is to work with cutting edge technology, the willingness from users to help out and the excitements to help taking the product forward.
If you find a market fit in the right time and solves peoples problems you barely have to sell later on.
When you have found the core of it, you easily will be able to build and create from that.
Another takeaway who’s related to the first is, if you combine AI with a good UX/design you can create very powerful things.